This Saturday, January 16, is the second annual "It Came From Skullbrain" group custom toy show hosted by the generous folks at Super7 at the Super7 Store and Gallery. The show starts at 7 p.m. and the gallery is located at 1628 Post St, San Francisco, CA.

This is my second year submitting to this show which focuses on the artistic output of the Skullbrain community, an online forum for Japanese toys, art, and culture. Skullbrain is a tight-knit international community of collectors and artists. While the majority of artists and culture discussed is decidedly focused on vintage and current Japanese toys, many other international artists are both fans and participants in this growing niche subculture of art collecting.
This year I am submitting two pieces.
First is an airbrushed M1 Woo featured in the "photo essay" at the top of the post. He is meant to be in the early process of moulting as winter shifts subtly to spring. This Woo is an evolution from a winter coat version that I painted about a year ago. You can see the original as compared to my show submission below.

Winter Wakes to Spring

My second piece for the show has a lot more resin elements included in it. The toy was originally a Secret Base Bagman. I modified it, giving it the head of my mutant Sea-Urchin creature Uni-chan. Sporting a couple of heads on his left hand and a leaky probe on his right hand, he became the Secret Base Muppet Seijin. He has two small buddies which each wear a mask and perform as part of the puppet show. One is a small Doom Penguin with original skeleton glove mask. The other figure is one of my Melancholy Molly figures from the Fat Lady Crew. She sports the original interior vinyl head of the Secret Base Bagman figure.

Both pieces will be for sale on the night of the show and online thereafter should they not sell at the show. M1 Woo- $44 Secret Base Muppet Seijin Set- $70
Here's a pic of my two pieces from the last show. These are both M1 toys from Japanese monster shows that I painted with the airbrush.
These two are dressed to kill.

Very Cool! I am glad I got to meet them before they went up for sale. Sent you some pics.