Five boxes and five boxes only.
The final emergence of the backwater farmbeast known as Old Toby has arrived. Here in the mysterious (and dangerous) BOX OF FATE, Old Toby makes his debut in the Apocalypse Popsicle lineup with 5 Hand Painted versions. The BOX OF FATE also marks the first official release of that Biblical trio, the Fat Lady Crew. Coming your way in five unique sets, the Fat Lady and her two minions, Melancholy Molly and Bad Baby Banana are included in every BOX.
Apocalypse Popsicle is overwhelmingly overjoyed to have three great toy artists take part in this BOX OF FATE release. Toybotstudios has painted five unique Fat Lady figures and Mutant Vinyl Hardcore has painted five unique versions of Mori Katatsumuri (aka the frankensnail). Every BOX OF FATE will come with one of each of these custom figures from these awesome artists. If you’re really lucky you will get the BOX with one of Bert Gatchalian’s custom painted Apocalypse Popsicle toys. These will be randomly placed in the bags, but there are not enough for everyone so maybe you get lucky on this auspicious dual holiday of destiny. Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day all on the same day? The import of such a convergence, I am sure is lost on none of our enlightened readers.
Toybotstudios x Fat Lady -- 3 of 5 total
The Mutant Vinyl Hardcore Header Art
The toys that go with the header- Mori Katatsumuri by MVH
Also included in the Box of Fate will be one additional set of resin toys from my older releases, the Apocalypse Parade miniatures and the Uni-Chan/Mori Katatsumuri. Small mixed sets of three mini-figures will be tossed in a random frenzy. Original artwork will also be in every box and maybe even a t-shirt or two.
$110 + $15 shipping in the US. International shipping via EMS, $35.
email to place your order.
BOX OF FATE to be delivered on or before the Ides of March 2010 (the 15th).
Here's some More Pics
Old Toby -- 4 of 5 total, one mystery beast
Unpainted, two-pour blue and clear-turquoise.
Bullmark King Ghidorah Tribute
With light from below the figure--
Forest Fire Lizard
FAT LADY CREW- Mixed Pour Set
Purple Rain and Piss Bananas
THE BOX OF FATE WILLS ITSELF INTO YOUR POSSESSION. to place your order and receive payment instructions.
Many thanks to Mutant Vinyl Hardcore, Toybotstudios, and Bert Gatchalian whose support in this project is immeasurable without looking over the receipts for at least a day.